

by Jan van Belle

Most musicians in the villages of Badakhshan are trained and experienced but not professional players, at least according to Western standards, insofar as their main occupation is to carry out the daily duties belonging to their sedentary agricultural village life. There are only a few professional musicians who can make an, although modest, living out of their performances, like the setar player Mamadato Tavalāyev from Khorog. They generally can’t read notes and learn the music and the songs by ear from their family or from other musicians in their village. In many cases they are unable to give information about tunings, melodic modes or other musicological details, but fortunately some performers, especially Jonboz Dushanbiyev, Mojon and Mamadato Tavalāyev are really specialists and were very helpful in giving many details, orally and from their notebooks, about the place of music in their Ismaili context, melodic modes, performance practice, context of performances and the origin of their instruments. However, the majority of the performers are amateurs who regard their performances as a service to the community, and as a consequence they generally refused money for recordings in the beginning, but due to the poverty in the country and a lot of insistence of the researchers they finally would accept payment. Each village has its own performers, who are in many cases excellent and experienced singers and players with an exceptional memory for text and melody, capable of playing and singing for hours. Even in the most remote villages performers appeared to know their poets and poetry and produced in many cases notebooks with written texts of classical Persian poets. The human voice is predominant and still plays an important role in preserving and disseminating the oral culture of Badakhshan, and the role of the instruments is mainly to accompany the singer. Pure instrumental music forms only a small part of the performance practice in the villages.

The list of performers mentioned below consists respectively of the following data: name / the village or town where the recordings were made / year of birth / the instruments played during the recordings.


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Abdulmasaynxon, Ziyo’iwalad / Yamgi bolo / 1934 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Alibaxshov, Firdaws / Tusiyon / 1974 / daf

Alibaxshov, Mirsa‘id / Tusiyon / 1973 / daf

Asan, Mihrob / Ishkoshim / 1962 / accordion

Azizbek, Sulaymon / Shanbedeh / 1967 / rubâb-i afghânî, daf

Azizulloev, Zafar / Porshnev / 1965 / daf, vocals, guitar

Azizullozoda, Sa‘dullo / Porshnev / 1926 / rubâb, vocals (madâh), sêtâr


Bahromov, Madazim / Tusiyon / 1964 / daf, accordion, vocals

Beronshoyev, Rahmatsa‘id. / Ghorjwin / 1956 rubâb, accordion, vocals

Beronshoyeva, Abrigul / Ghorjwin / 1970/ daf, vocals

Bodurxonova, Manzura / Ishkoshim / 1968 / vocals

Borkoyeva, M. / Karakum / ? / labchang (ooz qomuz, Jew’s harp)

Boroniyeva, Gulandom / Xorugh / ? / vocals, daf

Bozorov, Gulzorxon / Putup / 1955 / vocals, accordion


Chanorov, Nobovar / Derushon / 1970 / daf, back vocals


Dawlatmamadov, Dawlatmamad / Roshorw / 1956 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Dawlatmamadov, Sarkorî / Sponj / 1947 / daf, accordion, vocals

Dawlatxon, Mawlonazar / Rubot / 1971 / daf

Dushanbiyev, Jonboz / Sponj / 1948 / rubâb, ghîzhak, vocals (madâh)


Ghayosov, Abdulamid / Tusiyon / 1960 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Ghayosov, Aziz / Tusiyon / 1964 / tanbûr, back vocals

Ghulomaliyevich, Safar / Razuj / 1949 / vocals (madâh), rubâb

Gulmamadov, Haydarsho / Shoxerizm / 1963 / accordion, vocals

Gulmamadov, Mirikalon / Shoxerizm / 1929 / vocals (madâh), rubâb

Gulmamadov, Nazarsho / Shoxerizm / 1962 / accordion, vocals


Hasanov, Abdullahadxon / Yamgi bolo / 1916 / daf, back vocals (old madâhxân)

Hazratbekov, Dawlatmahmad / Barushon / 1940 / ghizhak


Imomnazarov, Aslsho / Sponj / 1968 / daf

Imomnazarov, Dawlatmir / Sponj / 1951 / ghîzhak, vocals

Iskandarova, Zaragul / Xorugh / 1938 / vocals


Jorubov, Muzofirsho / Nimoz / ? / daf, back vocals

Jum‘axon, Dodixudo / Ishkoshim / 1948 / rubâb, ghîzhak, vocals (madâh)


Komilov, Ulfatsho / Derushon / 1930 / daf, vocals


Lashkariyev, Komilsho / Roshorw / 1964 / daf


M., Esenbay / Alichur / 1964 / qomuz, vocals

Ma‘sumov, Qosimsho / Wanqal‘a / 1934 / rubâb, back vocals

Madaliyev, Manaim / Shanbedeh / 1941 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Malabekov, Shakarbek / Roshorw / 1934 / nay

Masaynov, Masayn / Andarob / 1940 / vocals, sêtâr, nayrûd

Mastibeg, Bayrambek / Ishkoshim / 1972 / daf, accordion, vocals

Mastonov, Palla / Derzud / 1928 / nay

Mirzoqand, Sultonhusayn / Wichkut / 1936 / bulandzughom, vocals (madâh)

Mirzoyev, Mirzorahmat / Rubot / 1972 / back vocals

Mirzoyev, Mirzoyizad / Rubot / 1946 / rubâb, daf, vocals (madâh)

Mirzoyev, Sayyidnazar / Rubot / 1973 / back vocals, daf

Mirzoyev, Sodotsho / Rubot / 1950 / daf, back vocals

Muborakqadam / Yamg / 1934 / bulandzughâm, vocals (madâh)

Muhammadniyozov, Shohniyoz / Wanqal‘a / 1960 / daf

Mulkiamonov, Dawlatmir / Putup / 1962 / vocals, ghîzhak


Nazardodova, Mohjon / Barushon / 1918 / daf

Nazarshoyev, Amirsho / Derushon / 1969 / daf, vocals

Ni‘matulloyev, Sanawbar / Darzhomch / 1967 / daf, back vocals

Niyozmamadov, Dawlatmamad / Nishusp / 1946 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Niyozmamadov, Ozodbek / Putup / 1952 / vocals, daf


Odinamamadov, Akbarsho / Roshtqal‘a / 1949 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Odinamamadov, Nusratsho / Roshtqal‘a / 1976 / tanbûr, back vocals

Ofiyatxon, Dawlatxon / Ishkoshim / 1959 / daf, vocals

Osmonov, Boqir / Alichur / 1966 / qomuz, vocals

Oshurmamadov, Sodotqadam / Darzhomch / ? / daf


Piruzsho, Nikbaxtsho / Wichkut / 1947 / rubâbcha, vocals (madâh)

Pulodî, Shawqmamad / Razuj / 1958 / sêtâr, back vocals


Qurbonov, Shoh Muhammad Beg / Yamg / 1960 / rubâb, daf, vocals (madâh)


Rahmatbekov, Chorshanbe / Xorugh / 1968 / tanbûr

Rahmatbekov, Mawlonazar / Xorugh / 1961 / sitâr, rubâb

Rahmatbekov, Qal‘ador / Xorugh / 1933 / rubâb, sitâr, vocals

Rahmatbekov, Xudonazar / Xorugh / 1966 / daf, back vocals

Rahmatshoev, Faromurz / Nimoz / ? / daf, back vocals

Rahmatshoev, Isosho / Nimoz / ? / daf, back vocals

Rahmatshoh, Bahadur / Ishkoshim / 1962 / vocals

Ramazon, Shamsidin / Razuj / ? / daf

Ruzadorov, Muhammad Dilbeg / Darzhomch / 1931 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Ruzadorov, Xayrullo / Derushon / 1933 / daf, vocals


Sabzikov, La‘lbeg / Roshorw / 1968 / tanbûr, vocals (madâh)

Safarmahmadov, Ozodmuhammad / Derushon / 1923 / rubâb, vocals

Safarov, Ghulomsho / Sponj / 1947 / târ, ghîzhak

Salomatshoyev, Saradsho / Yapshorw / 1937 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Salomatzoda, Dawlatsho / Razuj / 1953 / tanbûr, back vocals

Sarboz, Safar / Ishkoshim / 1967 / daf

Sarfaroz, Ruzaxon / Shanbedeh / 1929 / vocals, nay, rubâb

Sarfarozov, B. / Shanbedeh / 1963 / rubâb-i afghânî, daf

Sayfullobekova, Sharifa / Ishkoshim / 1964 / vocals

Sayyidnazarzoda, Sultonnazar / Wanqal‘a / 1944 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Shirinbekov, Gulxon / Kuhi la‘l / 1971 / sêtâr, daf

Shirinbekov, Jum‘axon / Kuhi la‘l / 1932 / ghîzhak, nay

Shirinbekov, Mahabbatxon / Kuhi la‘l / 1934 / rubâb, sêtâr, vocals (madâh)

Shirinbekov, Shodixon / Kuhi la‘l / 1976 / tablak, daf

Shohmamadov, Fayzmahmad / Bedhiz / 1927 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Shohnazarov, Sayyidsho / Yuben / 1969 / accordion, vocals

Shukrixudoyev, Shukrixudo / Sponj / 1971 / daf

Sohibnazarova, Ozodamo / Sponj / ? / vocals


Tavaloyev, Mamadato / Xorugh / 1934 / sêtâr

Tavaloyeva, Nargis / Xorugh / 1967 / daf

Tolibshoyev, Nosirsho / Xorugh / ? / târ, vocals

Toldoshova, Aynura / Alichur / ? / qomuz, vocals


Xudoynazarov, Abdalhakim / Nimoz / 1966 / rubâb, vocals (madâh)

Xudoynazarov, Dawlat / Xorugh / 1963 / nay

Xudoynazarov, Jum‘a / Nimoz / ? / daf, back vocals

Xudoynazarov, Mawlonazar / Nimoz / ? / daf, back vocals

Xudoyorbekov, Shogunbek / Putup / 1945 / vocals (madâh), rubâb

Xudoyorbekov, Suhrob / Shoxerizm / 1975 / daf

Xujamyorov, Muhammadyor / Yapshorw / 1934 / rubâb, vocals (madâh), sêtâr

Xushnazarov, Parpisho / Yuben / 1967 / daf