Ghazal G4

G4 alâ ey ân ki mêgûyî manam dânista-yi ‘âqil, sung in madâh as an introduction before M8

Pen name : Nâsir-i Xusraw
Metre: hazaj-i musamman-i sâlim (E.S. 2.1.16)
Place: Tusiyon
Date: 6th of August, 1992
CD: disc 1 tape 13a track01
Performer(s): Abdulamid Ghayosov, vocals and rubâb; Aziz Ghayosov, tanbûr and back vocals

  1. alâ ey ân ki mêgûyî manam dânista-yi ‘âqil
    biyâ hal kun agar mardî marâ în qissa-yi mushkil
  2. biyâ rawshan bigû bâ man ki rûh az ‘âlam-i sûrat
    chu bêrûn shud az în manzil kujâ jâ dârad-u manzil
  3. maqâm-i û dar aflâk ast wayâ dar ‘âlam-i ulwî
    wa yâ dar ‘âlam-i suflî miyân-i âb-u xâk-u gil
  4. agar dânista-yi în sirr bayân kun pêsh-i man aknûn
    agar na raw ki nâdânî basê sargashta-yi ghâfil
  5. ‘azîzâ rûh-i dânâyân chu bêrûn shud az în zindân
    shawad û jânib-i aflâk ki hast ân manzilash hâsil
  6. wa yâ dar sûrat-i insân chu gardad û damî paydâ
    walê insân-i kâmil kû buwad shâyista-yi muqbil
  7. walêkin nâbakârânand jâhilânand-u ahl-i shak
    bigûyam sharh-i ân qawm-i badandêshân-i nâqâbil
  8. du hâlat dârad ân rûh-i palîd-i nâqis-i gumrâh
    bigûyam sharh-i ân har yak biyâ dar gûsh kun muqbil
  9. în yakê râ ahl-i ‘âm bâshad chu bêrûnash kunand az tan
    kunandash band dar zindân basî sâlân la’în bâtil
  10. digar bâra maqâm-i û nabâtât ast ki dârandash
    bimânad andar ân sahrâ shawad bâ gâw-u xar dâxil
  11. alâ ey nâsir-i xusraw chunîn asrâr-i mardân râ
    charâ gustâx mêgûyî nagûyad hargiz ân ‘âqil
  1. Oh you who say that I am a knowing person with sense
    Come, if you are a man and make clear to me this difficult story
  2. Come and tell me in clear words where does the soul from the world of outer appearance remain,
    When he leaves this house: where does he abode and where is his home?
  3. Is his place in the spheres or in the higher world,
    Or in the lower world between water, earth and mud?
  4. If you know this secret then explain it to me now
    If not, then go for you are unknowing and quite a negligent wanderer
  5. My dear when the soul of wise men leaves this prison
    It will go to the spheres for that house is his achievement
  6. Or he will appear for a moment in human form
    But a perfect man like him is fit for prosperity
  7. But the useless and stupid and doubting men:
    I shall tell about that suspecting and incapable folk
  8. Two states are possible for the sordid, wandering and defective soul
    I will tell both states, prick up your ears and listen carefully
  9. The first is for the ordinary man – when he is brought out of his body
    He is chained in jail for many years that untrue damned one
  10. Again his position is the vegetative state in which he is held
    He will remain in the field and he will turn into cow and donkey
  11. Oh Nâsir-i Xusraw why do you tell openly such secrets of wise men?
    A sensible man would never tell!