
Below you can find an overview of our project-related publications. Feel free to click on the image for the free download or additional information on accessing the material.

Books (in Open Access)
PHD Theses
Books available through university libraries

(in print and/or e-book) or at

Popular publications

IIAS Newsletter: Memory and commemoration in Central Asia

IIAS Newsletter: Turks, Texts, and Territory


Monumenten van de Zijderoute: hoe heeft de culturele erfenis van Centraal-Azië bijgedragen aan de wereld van vandaag?

Silk Road Cities by Gabrielle van den Berg and Elena Paskaleva

With Our Own Hands: A Revolutionary Cookbook from the Pamir Mountains

Tadzjikistan: Hofleverancier van IS? by Gabrielle van den Berg

A 13th-Century Sufi Socialist Revolution? by Tobi Jones

Academic publications

For a complete overview of (academic) publications of each teammember, you can visit the underneath pages.

Gabrielle van den Berg

Elena Paskaleva

Tobias Jones

Nicholas Kontovas

Sara Mirahmadi

Birte Kristiansen